Monday, November 5, 2007

My goals up close

1. Play my A game at all times.

Obviously easier said then done and something everyone talks about. How do I achieve this goal? I need to create a routine and stick to it I believe. Not necessarily a set time I play and such but rather a ritual that I practice before every session so to get in the right frame of mind. I have written out a list which I will read before every session and I will as of today post to 3 CR posts in either Low or mid stakes prior to playing.

2. All decisions should be made for a reason.

This is something I struggle with sometimes. Making a decision to bet/check/fold without really thinking through it. I will make an attempt to conciously know why I am making the choice I am on every street.

3. 40K hands @ 5BB/100

This will require the above 2 as well as a solid work ethic. I must play 2k hands or more on days I play. I must no longer allow for tilt to be a part of my game. Last month I believe I could have played at a win rate of 5BB/100 but I allowed myself to tilt off several BI in diffwerent situations.

4. Take a shot at 400NL this month when the games look good.

Basically I will be datamining a few tables and keeping an eye out for some soft spots on the weekends. If my 200 game continues to improve I will have a solid roll and will take my stabs when I feel comfortable.

5. Use my time efficientluy to study the game if I am not playing.

No longer will I surf the net aimlessly. If I am infront of m,y computer I will be either studying or playing poker. I will only allow myself 1 hour a day for non poker related things. I strongly believe those who have success at this game didnt get there easy. It takes alot of hard work and dedication and the ability to never be satisfied.

1 comment:

DODGYKEN said...

Come on November. The month we ALL crush.