Monday, December 31, 2007

My poker goals for 2008.

Continue improving my poker game while steadily moving up the stakes, obviously easier said then done. I know I am at a point in my poker career where things are ready to take off. I finally realize I am a winner at 200NL and approach the game with that attitude. This month has been good but not great. I havent played half as many hands as I would like but I am still satisfied. 2008 is my year to shine. I havent fully decided the perfect way to continually imporve my game but 1st and foremost putting in hands is my main goal. I spend way to much down time just kinda aimlessly surfing the web or whatever. If I aint studying/responding to a post/posting I will be grinding. Basically i have outlined daily, weekly, and monthly goals.
Always play my A game.
Read 1 chapter of a poker book everyday.
Respond to 3 forum posts with stove analysis.
Post 1 difficult hand from every session.
Watch two videos and take in depth notes.
Participate in no less then two sweat sessions.
1 hour long session 1 tabling.

Build my roll in Jan. for a shot at 2/4 in Feb or sooner.
Play no less then 75k hands.

The hands goal is not unobtainable but is set insanely high for the sole purpose of making it so I must play alot of hands. If I reach it awesome if not I imagine my hand total will be way above any month of 07. I will hopefully chronicle some of the trials and tribulations I go through on my road to success. If the content here is lacking I suggest checking the crews blog.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Up and down.

I havent posted as frequent as I would like and probably wont ever. I have decided that my game is sound and I need to focus mainly on playing. Playing hands is what makes you better. I have all the concepts and ideas it is now a matter of applying them. While applying them when problems arise that is when I will need to seak a solution. With that in mind I will post a few of the more interesting hands that have occured sense my last post.

Hand 1: Villain plays 41/18/2.8 and is actually a regular whom I now own. This hand was me being a spew tard.

Absolute Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $2 BB (6 handed) Hand History converter, Courtesy of
Button ($126.10)Hero ($201.90)BB ($422.05)UTG ($1079.40)MP ($261.60)CO ($523.10)
Preflop: Hero is SB with Jd, Jh. UTG raises to $7, MP calls $7, 2 folds, Hero raises to $32, 1 fold, UTG folds, MP calls $25.

I considered CC here as not to create a nasty spot OOP and because JJ is a tweener hand in spots like these. Anyways my 3bet gets called by the original CCer which is strange. I had just recently seen him play AA in a similar fashion.

Flop: ($73) 7d, Th, Qc (2 players)Hero bets $46, MP raises to $229.6 (All-In), Hero calls $123.90 (All-In).

Not the worst flop in the world and to bhe honest looks like a very simple bet/fold. I was very near a fold when I convinced myself that he may well push an OESD in this spot and called.
Turn: ($472.50) Ah (2 players, 2 all-in)
River: ($472.50) 4s (2 players, 2 all-in)
Final Pot: $472.50
Results below: Hero has Jd Jh (one pair, jacks). MP has Ad Qh (two pair, aces and queens). Outcome: MP wins $472.50.

After plugging it into stove this is a easy fold. This hand occured at a time when i was doubting myself and pressing to win. Those two combined are no bueno.

hand 2: villain is 35/18/3.2 When this hand occured I had begun open raising from late position for 3x rather then 4x which I have gone back to. This created a realy loose image and I began playing loose as well. I strarted 3 betting a little too much.

Absolute Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $2 BB (5 handed) Hand History converter, Courtesy of
Hero ($241.25)SB ($201.15)BB ($123)UTG ($383.45)MP ($476.08)
Preflop: Hero is Button with 8s, 5s. 1 fold, MP raises to $6, Hero raises to $20, 2 folds, MP calls $14.

I 3bet 85s? I dont hate it actually as most the time I should be folding out alot of villains hands though he is the type to call with a wide range. This can be trouble but will me allow me to take him to value town when i do hit.

Flop: ($43) 4s, Kd, 2s (2 players)MP checks, Hero bets $28, MP raises to $56, Hero calls $28.

A great flop to cbet when checked to and then he min raises. I think a shove here may be profitable as I doubt he ever is doing this with a monster. to me his bet is more of a feeler looking to find out where a mediumish strength hand stands.

Turn: ($155) 3h (2 players)MP checks, Hero bets $100, MP raises to $200, Hero calls $65.25 (All-In).

Here is where I went wrong in the hand. The turn gives me more outs and I can take a free card and most likely extract when I get there. If I miss I can give up if villain leads the rive ror consider bluffing. against someone with these stats I think checking is best. I do not hate my p-lay thought at any point in the hand besides the fact that I think a shove is a better choice then my 2/3 PSB.
River: ($520.25) 2h (2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: $520.25
Results below: Hero has 8s 5s (one pair, twos). MP has Kh Th (two pair, kings and twos). Outcome: MP wins $520.25.

Hand 3: villain is 28/14/1.65 Another 3bet happy time. Looking at these stats that makes this play even worse granted I do belive he has a high attempt to steal. Although I do believe if you look close at this hand you will see that I do have what it takes to be a successful high stakes winner

Absolute Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $2 BB (6 handed) Hand History converter, Courtesy of
Button ($295.89)SB ($1096.87)Hero ($222.80)UTG ($398.85)MP ($394)CO ($234.60)
Preflop: Hero is BB with Js, Th. 2 folds, CO raises to $6, 2 folds, Hero raises to $22, CO calls $16.

Pretty loose 3bte OOP something I removed from my arsenal.
Flop: ($45) 4d, 7s, 4c (2 players)Hero bets $32, CO raises to $64, Hero raises to $200.8 (All-In), CO calls $136.80.

If I dont cbet I cant win. When villain min raises I sensed weakness. I should most likely fold due to the player strength at 200NL as they rarely fold and if he calls my equity is shit. At the time I said fuck it and trusted my gut. he was so weak it wasnt funny. The best thing is he thinks he made a great call. The truth is 95% of the time I make this play he is dead.
Turn: ($446.60) 9d (2 players, 1 all-in)
River: ($446.60) 6s (2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: $446.60
Results below: Hero has Js Th (one pair, fours). CO has Kd 7d (two pair, sevens and fours). Outcome: CO wins $446.60.

Hand 4: Villain is 55/25/3 He can give you fits and is a regular whom I believe stays afloat 1 or two tabling. he is and older man from what I gathered who simply enjoys playing the game and loves the action.

Absolute Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $2 BB (6 handed) Hand History converter, Courtesy of
Button ($270.10)SB ($400)BB ($423.50)UTG ($465.65)Hero ($273.10)CO ($1442.84)
Preflop: Hero is MP with Kd, Qd. UTG calls $2, Hero raises to $10, CO calls $10, 2 folds, BB calls $8, UTG calls $8.
Flop: ($41) Ks, Jc, 6s (4 players)BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets $30, CO calls $30, BB folds, UTG folds.

4 handed with TP2ndK isnr fun but I must bet. The maniac calls. At this point I belive he has a very wide range and is very capable of anything on the turn.

Turn: ($101) 2h (2 players)Hero checks, CO bets $64, Hero calls $64.

I would like to say I knew my opponent and checked to allow him to bluff but that isnt the case. I actually checked for the simple fact that I was afraid to bet and get bluff raised. Knowing your opponent is so key and this hand is a perfect example of that. My hand is basically the nuts against this guy and I think I am forced to go broke. A large range of his hands are either Kx or a draw. I considered a CRAI once he bet but opted to call instead.

River: ($229) 9c (2 players)Hero checks, CO bets $198, Hero calls $169.10 (All-In).
Final Pot: $596.10

The river completes a oesd and I opt to check again. Villain shoves pretty quick and I go into the tank. I know this guy can do this with the nuts or nothing. By calling the turn I felt calling the river was almost a must. i do and boo yah he was bluffing all along.

Results below: Hero has Kd Qd (one pair, kings). CO has 8c 8s (one pair, eights). Outcome: Hero wins $567.20. CO wins $28.90.

If you look at this hand I think you might think i played it brillaintly. The truth is I played it like shit. But what I have learned is by knowing your opponents tendencies well enough you will be able to extract max value from them at all times. This is a spot where my turn and river check maximized my value by inducing my opponent to play his hand how I wanted him to. At the time I wasnt aware of that.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Must play more.

I have been slacking big time this month yet the results have been decent but I am in this shit for the long term and I know they will as long as I continue to make +EV decisions. I have been slacking on posting as well simply because I have been mopre time into actually studying and trying to improve my game. Working super hard on the mental side of the game as well as improving my hand reading. I truly want to master equity vs ranges. That is why I made this blog and that is why i will continue to attempty to post here as much as possible. Yesterdays session. Only played 538 hands yet I 4-6 tabled for 1.25 hours. Not enough at all. I think if I can get in two solid 90 minute sessions a day I will be happy. My new style is actually my old style too. I am playing very nitty yet I do make some moves here and there. Now the hands.

Hand1: No real explanation needed. I opted to call and jam any non A flop that villain leads on rather then 4 bet preflop. I still am not sure of my line.

Absolute Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $2 BB (6 handed) Hand History converter, Courtesy of
Button ($271.30)SB ($382.15)BB ($504.90)UTG ($390.40)MP ($1068.28)Hero ($235.45)
Preflop: Hero is CO with Kc, Kh. UTG calls $2, 1 fold, Hero raises to $10, 3 folds, UTG raises to $24, Hero calls $12.
Flop: ($49) 5s, 3d, 2c (2 players)UTG bets $54, Hero raises to $213.45 (All-In), UTG calls $159.45.
Turn: ($475.90) 2h (2 players, 1 all-in)
River: ($475.90) Td (2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: $475.90
Results below: UTG has Ah Ad (two pair, aces and twos). Hero has Kc Kh (two pair, kings and twos). Outcome: UTG wins $475.90.

Hand 2: I check the turn as I think the A kills alot of my action from worse hands thus I might induce a bluff from worser hands as well as portect myself from getting C/R off my hand. Again not sure if this was the best way to play the hand but i do like my line.

Absolute Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $2 BB (6 handed) Hand History converter, Courtesy of
Button ($159.56)SB ($255.37)BB ($133.25)UTG ($329.65)MP ($432.75)Hero ($286.40)
Preflop: Hero is CO with Kh, Qd. UTG calls $2, 1 fold, Hero raises to $8, 2 folds, BB calls $6, UTG calls $6.
Flop: ($25) 8c, Qs, 9h (3 players)BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets $20, BB calls $20, UTG folds.
Turn: ($65) Ad (2 players)BB checks, Hero checks.
River: ($65) 2d (2 players)BB bets $25, Hero calls $25.
Final Pot: $115
Results below: BB has Jh As (one pair, aces). Hero has Kh Qd (one pair, queens). Outcome: BB wins $115.

Hand 3: Villain was a complete maniac who had been open raising for anywhere from 50-70. I hadnt seen him going crazy in a few orbits and then he limp raises me. I honestly didnt put him on a big hand here as he was actually showing down strong holding when open raising. This player seemed like an action junky who if he was going to play a raised pot he wanted to get it in the middle asap. As I tanked a shove or fold villain typed in chat that he Q8. I wasnt sure what to think but I decided to trust my initial read and jam it. Look at his hand.

Absolute Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $2 BB (5 handed) Hand History converter, Courtesy of
Button ($554.37)Hero ($242.10)BB ($393)UTG ($706.35)MP ($515.85)
Preflop: Hero is SB with 9h, 9d. 2 folds, Button calls $2, Hero raises to $10, 1 fold, Button raises to $54, Hero raises to $242.1 (All-In), Button calls $190.10.
Flop: ($488.20) 5d, 2c, 5s (2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: ($488.20) Kd (2 players, 1 all-in)
River: ($488.20) Jd (2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: $488.20
Results below: Button has Qs 8s (one pair, fives). Hero has 9h 9d (two pair, nines and fives). Outcome: Hero wins $486.20. Button wins $2.

Well so much for applying ranges. I will do more tomorrow as for now i am going to work on some ranges with stove and PT.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Ok so no real reason for the title. Well I guess it is kinda like HI. Because I feel I need to say hello to poker again as it feels like it has been way to long. Personal shit had me not feeling so good about playing so I took a break. I did play a few small sessions but nothing spectacular. I have been doing a ton of studying the game though. I feel I lack a lot of the real solid fundamentals that make a winning player. 1st and foremost a good computer to work on. Sent the new/old one back. New one on the way. Please god let it work without any bs. Also been studying the shit out of the math side and working on getting super solid at hand ranges and knowing equity against them. Basically the biggest thing super solid winning players do that make them the shit. Also knowing villains range and then the range I am repping and wether or not I can push them off there range. Basically 3rd and 4th level shit. Fuck grinding away and playing super ABC poker. I mean shit that is my style and I will do that but I will also out play any reg that wants to go to war for my fish. I am back in a major way too. My reads are sick good right now and I think they will only be getting better. I will mostly be 4 tabling and occasionally that wil be 6 depending on how I feel. I think 4 will allow for some sick good poker.

I will post hands manana. I am OUT!