I decided to take the night off as Mondays are my usual day away from the tables. I have been doing alot of thinking about my game and my weekend. In all honesty i think my real problem was coming off my bad session at FTP playing 1/2 and jumping into 2/4 on AP I was playing weak tight. I was resorting back to alot of 1st level thinking which I have worked long and hard to overcome. It is evident my game has a long way to go but I know in my heart I will get there. Today I realized just how bad I can be at truly gaining information from my opponents and using it against them in a sweat I did(see group blog).
I did play a decent session two tabling and picked up 1.25BIs which was nice. I will try and stick to 3 tables max and would like to focus on 2 tabling for the next week when I play 2/4 so to really develop some reads and play good winning poker. There are alot of profitable sqz spots, as well as spots to steal isolation raises. My hand reading has a long way to go and I need need need to get better at postflop play. I think hand reading will obviously lead to that.
Total hands: 12983
First blog post
8 years ago
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